By G.C. Paikert
This short learn of the 1945 expulsion of German populations from Eastern-Central and jap Europe doesn't whatsoever fake to be an entire and exhaustive research of a topic so substantial, complicated and debatable. furthermore, it truly is selective: in facing the reception of the expellees it makes a speciality of West Germany, which notwithstanding so much broadly concerned, is however just one of the numerous international locations stricken by the exodus. but the author feels that even through offering slightly the funda mentals he can nonetheless desire to make a few contribution to a box which -at least within the English conversing global - is way from being explored, analyzed and evaluated. His focus on West Germany has been inspired by way of elements. First, this is often the a part of the previous Reich that is such a lot instantly laid low with the move. moment, because of this involvement it really is in West Germany that documentation and literature at the query are so much broad. certainly, to procure right info and knowledge from these nations in the Soviet orbit that are whatsoever associated with the matter is tough and now and then even very unlikely. For seen purposes, in those nations curiosity is founded, and really understandably, now not at the expulsion of the Germans, yet really at the move, dispersion, and annihilation in their personal peoples below the Nazi conquest, occasions, which, in flip, many Germans wish to hold forgotten.
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Camps and emergency homes had to be and, indeed, were set up, food supply guaranteed, and clothing, furniture, and kitchen utensils provided. The material assistance coming from foreign sources, however welcomed, was far from being proportionate to the need. Hence the taxpayers in West Germany made truly remarkable efforts to cover the lion's share of the expenses for the integration of expellees and German refugees. This amounted to the sum of more than S10 billion from 1945 to 1959. Of this only 26% was spent on permanent investments (housing and employment), while 74% had to be made available for consumer articles.
A Curious Impact on the International Economic Plane Indeed, the effects of the expulsion are by no means restricted to Germany and the German people alone. Among its many bearings on international issues, of which more will be said later in connection with international law, peace and security (see Chapters VII, VIII, and IX), we find one that affects the national economies of numerous foreign countries. The states concerned are the industrialized countries of the West, among them, not in the last place, the United States.
According to this practice, the right of self-determination is put into effect only if it serves the purposes of the supreme powers in the victor's camp; it is generally disregarded if the application of it collides with the interests of the latter. Classic examples of this practice were the peace arrangements which followed World War I, more precisely the parts concerning territorial changes. 3 lived for centuries, for no other crime than being of German descent. The French were getting thousands of Germans from American POW camps, and these men were treated in such a fashion that American officers compared them with the emaciated inmates the Allies had liberated from Dachau.