The French Navy, Vols. 1 & 2 by Henri Le Masson

By Henri Le Masson

The French military, quantity I and quantity II (Navies of the second one international conflict) by means of Henri Le Masson. 1969 hardcovers released through Doubleday and corporate, Inc. Illustrated with black-and-white images.

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The final standardized armored train design of the war entered development in the spring of 1942 as the BP-43. This simplified light armored train was equipped with four of the new PL-43 artillery cars, each consisting of a T-34 rurret on an armored box fitted to a rwo-axle flatcar. Owing to the importance of air defense, each train also had two PVO-4 (PVO: ProtivoVozdushnaya Oborona: antiaircraft defense) wagons, fitted with two armored boxes each containing a standard 37mm antiaircraft gun. The armored locomotive was usually the PR-43 based on the widely used 0 series, either the Ov or Ok.

They proved to be easier to manufacture than the prewar types, and the turret was designed to accept a wide range of armament in the 75-76mm class. Production was undertaken at nine different plants and 43 scattered rail depots, with the first seven being completed by the end of 1941. Generally, each OB-3 light armored train would receive four artillery cars rather than two of the prewar twin-turret types. By November 1942, some 78 new trains of the KPS-1942 and OB-3 classes had been completed.

And the second one, named Stremitelnjy. served on the Leningrad front as part of the 14th Independent Armored Train Battalion of the 23rd Army. In 1943. its T-28 turrets were rearmed with the longer F-34 76mm gun from T-34 tanks in place of the original short 76mm guns. It was finally retired in 1972 to the Kubinka Tank Museum. as seen here. 2 ZA RODINU 12TH ARMY, SOUTHERN FRONT, OCTOBER 1941 The PL-37 was the standardized light artillery wagon for Soviet light armored trains in the first years of World War II, with about two dozen built.

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