Protocols for Multislice CT: 4- and 16-row Applications by Roland Bruening, Thomas Flohr

By Roland Bruening, Thomas Flohr

Multislice expertise has made it attainable to enquire huge sections of the human physique in a truly couple of minutes. The four- and 16-row platforms at present to be had necessitate using new protocols, that are proposed herein. In a handy double-page structure, this booklet offers  established info on all regimen protocols to be used for multislice CT. the quantity covers all investigations of the brain, neck, lung and chest, stomach and the outer edge, in addition to unique protocols for the center, for CT angiography and for CT-guided interventions. each one protocol is displayed en bloc, allowing swift appreciation of  the scanner settings and the indicators.

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2 a–c. (Case courtesy of Dr. L. 75 s Scan orientation Cranio-caudal Scanner settings 120 kV, 140–150 eff. mAs Kernel (algorithm) Soft and bonea Window (width/center) 450/60 + 2,000/300 Contrast medium Yes Administration Monophasic Volume 100 ml Flow rate 3 ml/s Scan delay 40 s Coronal MPR reconstructions in bone kernel could be made to exclude skull base infiltration; otherwise the skull base should be evaluated by bone kernel and/or direct coronal cuts, as necessary. Comments In order to visualize the mass and to define its maximum extent and the differential diagnosis, both CT and MRI may be necessary.

MAs Kernel (algorithm) Softa Softa Window (width/center) 450/60 450/60 Contrast medium Yes Administration Monophasic Volume 100 ml Collimation a Mode Flow rate 3 ml/s Scan delay 40 s Start second spiral immediately For fractures, alter the suggested protocol with bone kernel reconstruction in breathhold, if possible. Comments Breathhold imaging is a general requirement. For the differentiation of T2 and T3 laryngeal carcinoma, the movement of the vocal cord is crucial. Repeat scanning of the larynx with “e” phonation; quiet breathing and the Valsalva maneuver then become necessary.

Dissection of the ICA), cranio-caudal scanning may be better. For a quick overview,VRT reconstructions seem to be very efficient. However, maximum reproducibility is achieved by axial scans in area measurements. If no MPR reconstruction is planned, the reconstruction increment can be as large as 5 mm. 8 mm with 50% overlap. Figure 2 shows a CTA of the carotids in a young male patient with an ICA occlusion (dissection) on the left side. Coronal and sagittal MPR reconstructions of the left ICA in this patient are seen in Fig.

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