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He wrote: "L'Edit de Nantes leur laissa deux especes d'assemblees: les assemblees pour cause de religion ... et les assemblees politiques," citing artIcles thirty-four of the second set, and eighty-two of the ftrst set-which said the exact opposite. His further observations on the subject of assemblies are garbled and contradictory. Histoire du regne de, Henri IV, 1:368-69. This error has been widely repeated. For example, according to Perrens, L'Eglise et Ntat, 1:135, 148, Henry permitted the Huguenots "en quelque sorte une Republique dans l'etat," including assemblies, which is quite misleading.
The numbers are both approximate 35 The difference between these documents is juridical and technical, but in executive terms arcane, reflecting the ambiguity and obfuscation to which I have referred. In common parlance, "the Edict" has comprised all four documents-the whole agreement, although only the ninety-two articles. were registered by the parlements. This verbal convenience was therefore not unassailable. Thus, upon examination, the very Edict itself becomes elusive and debatable. 2S To the Huguenots, the articles depended on the second brevet-the guarantee clauses-because they were never convinced that once deprived of the means of defense, they would not soon be deprived of everything else.
By implication and extension, Henry had also sanctioned their election-or selection-and recognized their necessary relations with those whom they served and represented. Yet there was no specified, legal channel of communication or machinery behind the deputies through which to operate. In these circumstances they copld only liaise with illegal bodies, or work through the organization of the churches. How were they to determine what was legal and what was not-if indeed this bothered them? While it is easy to differentiate, for instance, between doctrine and elections, or penance and war, it was not simple to distinguish either between political and ecclesiastical business or, within a Presbyterian church structure, between secular and ecclesiastical personnel.