By Ernie Conover
This consultant indicates the best way to flip every kind of furnishings elements. basic directions show uncomplicated turning and polishing suggestions and there's an in-depth dialogue on easy methods to replica elements. It additionally presents info on procuring, constructing and tuning lathes, instruments and components.
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While I sharpen my skew chisel on the same stones that I use for plane irons and bench chisels, I have a collection of odd-shaped stones for the rest of my turning tools. These include small, tapered stones called slips and a variety of stones in triangular, round and knife-edge designs. The latter are often sold in catalogs as "files" (but they are really stones). The trick of using a flat stone to sharpen a skew chisel is to keep the bevel absolutely flat on the stone. Again, a honing jig can be of great help here.
GUARDS AND LIGHTING Any grinder should provide a guard that encloses the wheel except at the area just above the rest. An open, unguarded wheel is unsafe and should be avoided. Most grinders have a sliding shield called a spark arrester at the top edge of the guard. In addition to greatly reducing the sparks that could land on your hands during grinding, the spark arrester helps contain shrapnel inside the guards in case the wheel disintegrates. For best results, position the spark arrester within Y16 in.
Is a good tolerance to work for in most furniture-turning situations. This means that no two pieces can vary from each other more than Vs in. total. While one would think that having the diameters match is more important, having each element of the turning at the same height from the floor (or same distance from one end) is actually a more critical factor. Spindle-Turning Basics 51 A master part provides a tangible referencefor adjusting calipers and dividers, and it serves as the visual informant for turningfurther parts, To make a pattern stick, draw the part full-Size on a thin strip ofwood the same width ofthe billetfrom which you will tum the part, 52 MASTER PARTS AND PATTERN STICKS Before you can duplicate a part, you must be able to visualize it A master part or a pattern stick will help ensure that each element is placed at an exact distance from one end of the turning.