The Practice Of Programming by Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike

By Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike

Provides recommendation, real-world examples in C, C++, Java, and quite a few particular function languages. contains debugging, checking out, functionality, portability, layout, interfaces, variety, and notation. Softcover. DLC: machine programming.
Alt. ISBN:9780201615869, 020161586X, 9780201615869

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Example text

6 Growing Arrays The arrays used in the past few sections have been static, with their size and contents fixed at compile time. If the flabby word or HTML character tables were to be modified at run-time, a hash table would be a more appropriate data structure. Growing a sorted array by inserting n elements one at a time is an 0 ( n 2 ) operation that should be avoided if n is large. 42 ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURES CHAPTER 2 Often, though, we need to keep track of a variable but small number of things, and arrays can still be the method of choice.

AEl i g i s 1i g a t u r e o f A and E. Values are Unicode/IS010646 encoding. */ */ Nameval html chars [I= C "AE1 ig" , 0x00~6, "Aacute", 0x00~1, "Aci r c " , 0x00~2, /* ... */ "zeta", Ox03b6, 1; For a lager array like this, it's more efficient to use binary search. The binary search algorithm is an orderly version of the way we look up words in a dictionary. Check the middle element. If that value is bigger than what we are looking for, look in the first half; otherwise, look in the second half.

I ntVal ue() ; ((Integer) 02). i ntVal ue() ; i f ( i l < i2) return - 1; e l s e i f ( i l == i 2 ) return else return in t i1 in t i2 = = and this compares S t r i ngs: // Scmp: S t r i n g comparison c l a s s Scmp implements Cmp public i n t cmp(0bject 01. compareTo(s2) ; 1 3 We can sort only types that are derived from Object with this mechanism; it cannot be applied to the basic types like i n t or double. This is why we sort Integers rather than i n ts. 4 A JAVA QUICKSORT 39 With these components, we can now translate the C quicksort function into Java and have i t call the comparison function from a Cmp object passed i n as an argument.

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