Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out by Craig Stinson Douglas, Mark Dodge

By Craig Stinson Douglas, Mark Dodge

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Call swap_with_ADL inside classes having a swap member function. std::swap grants the best implementation for swapping both native and std types. swap is used in algorithms with move semantics: void doSomething(X& result) { X temp; // perform some operation on temp, then... , more memory). 3. bool T::empty() const; void T::clear() The former function tests whether an object is empty; the latter makes it empty. If an object has a member function size(), then a call to empty() is expected to be no slower than size()==0.

The function base instead is used to return a copy of the wrapped object, when the wrapper is just a different interface. Since a smart pointer typically adds some complexity (for example, a reference count), the name base would not be as appropriate as get. On the other hand, std::reverse_iterator is an interface that swaps ++ and -- of an underlying iterator, so it has a base(). Some objects may want to check in advance if overwrite is feasible. size() then it might be able to perform a safe memcpy.

This argument actually shows that every result of sizeof can be stored in a ptrdiff_t. A generic size_t may not be stored in a ptrdiff_t, because sizeof is not necessarily surjective—there may be a size_t value that is larger than every possible sizeof. 40 For example, to create a copy of std::string takes time proportional to the length of the string itself, so this depends not only on the type, but also on the instance; alternatively, copying a double is a constant-time operation. Mathematically speaking, the notion of “constant time” is not well defined in C++; the issue is too complex for a footnote, but we’ll sketch the idea.

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