By Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Francis P. Magoun, Alexander Haggerty Krappe
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When the baker had done so, it went to the miller and said, "Sprinkle some white flour on my paw. '' Then the miller got scared and whitened its paw. People are like that. Now for the third time the scoundrel went to the front door, knocked, and said, "Open the door, children. " Then it put its paw in the window, and when they saw it was white, they thought that everything it said was true and opened the door. But what came in was the wolf! They were frightened and tried to hide. One jumped under the table, the second into the bed, the third into the tile stove, the fourth into the kitchen, the fifth into the cupboard, the sixth under the washbasin, and the seventh into the case of the clock on the wall.
Now the wedding was celebrated; the ball began, and the bride, too, entered the hall. Then Faithful John paid close attention and watched her face. Suddenly she turned pale and fell to the ground as if dead. He rushed quickly up, lifted her, and carried her into a chamber; there he laid her down, knelt, and sucked three drops of blood from her right breast and spat them out. At once she began to breathe again and recovered. The young king, however, had been looking on and didn't know why Faithful John had done it.
The gold, too, stayed on her finger, no matter how much she washed it and rubbed it. Not long afterward the Virgin Mary returned from her journey. She called the girl to her and asked her to give back the keys Page 10 of Heaven. " "No," she replied. Then the Virgin put her hand on the girl's heart, felt it beating violently, and knew very well that she'd transgressed her command and had unlocked that door. '' "No," answered the girl a second time. " "No," said the girl for the third time. " Then the girl sank into a deep sleep, and when she awoke, she was lying down here on Earth in the midst of a wilderness.