Fluid Catalytic Cracking Handbook by Sadeghbeigi, Reza (Auth.)

By Sadeghbeigi, Reza (Auth.)

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The corrosion product is hydrogen gas and iron sulfide. The reaction is normally self-terminating because iron sulfide coats the metal surface with a protective film that inhibits further corrosion. However, if cyanide is present, the iron sulfide is removed and bisulfide corrosion is no longer self-terminating. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is formed in the riser from the reaction of ammonia (NH3) and CO. Ammonium cyanide is formed from the reaction of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia (NH3). The ammonium cyanide will dissolve in a wet environment and ionize into cyanide and ammonium ions.

For darker samples, the aniline point test is slightly more accurate because of its larger scale over the same range of aromatics. The industry does not agree as to which method is more accurate. The three published correlations that will be discussed later use the RI at 68 F (20 C) for calculating feed composition. But at 68 F, most FCC feeds are solid and their RIs cannot be determined accurately. Both the TOTAL and API [3] correlations predict RI values using feed properties such as SG, molecular weight, and average boiling point.

Aniline point is the minimum temperature for complete solubility of an oil sample in aniline. ASTM D611 involves heating a 50/50 mixture of the feed sample and aniline until there is only one phase. The mixture is then cooled, and the temperature at which the mixture becomes suddenly cloudy is the aniline point. The test senses solubility via a light source that penetrates through the sample. The aniline point increases with paraffinicity and decreases with aromaticity. It also increases with molecular weight.

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