American Civil War Artillery 1861-65 (2): Heavy Artillery by Philip Katcher

By Philip Katcher

As a result of the size of the sea coast of the USA, from the start American ordnance and engineers put an emphasis on heavy artillery fastened in coastal defences. The Union military organised its 'Heavy Artillery' into separate regiments, uniformed and built in a different way. whereas the sphere Artillery was once assigned around the scuffling with fronts Heavy Artillery devices served the massive weapons within the forts and the defences of Washington. The Confederates didn't differentiate forms of artillery and people who grew to become often called Heavy Artillery did so via casual organization instead of formal designation. This booklet information the advance and utilization of the massive guns.

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Extra info for American Civil War Artillery 1861-65 (2): Heavy Artillery (New Vanguard, Volume 40)

Example text

Apcn. 2). 3. thod O: aamage cu blast-damage prediction to forested areas. 3). 4. tee! 4). An additional objective was added during Castle to provide for Lie doclumcnt~tion of damage inflicted upon rniscellanecus structures from the unexpectedly high yield -f WC! 5). 5, which cunsi steal of documentation of unexpected damage to structures from Shot 1. 1 ). b mounts to obtain more corner and edgo ioa[iin$; detail, and to make limited use of displacement gages. A change in detonation sites made it necessary to abandon this plan, and adopt instead a different approach (see ,>ppendix).

Recorders were plaoed at some island stations to provide 4. Garnma-exposure-rate rate of arrival, peak actlviw, and decay of fkhut. data on the time of arrtval, fallout collectors were used to collect samples during 5- to 30-minute 5. Incremental intervals and to provide data on time and rate of arrival of fallout. 6. After Shot8 5 and 6, surface and aerial sarveys of the oaeaa fahut area were performed to measure the activtty in the surface hyer of the eoeaa ad its depth of penetration. The existence of a mixed layer in the ocean down to the timrrnooline, with little mixing below, enabled these measurements to be related to tha total aotivity deposited.

The results of these experiments indicated that [1! e feeding mechanism of the crganism affected the amount of activi~ assimilated, ‘2) ‘he solid ph~es were concentrated in preference to non-particulate matter, and (3) there was no evidence of fractionation of isotopes in the assimilated material. -effect program consisted of five projects under the categcriesof structure’:, crater survey, tree-stand stlwiies, ‘and minefield clearance. ’s of Program J were to: 1. CA,tain further -k&. on structural loading under air.

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