By Jörg Müller, Massimo Cossentino
This booklet constitutes the completely refereed post-proceedings of the thirteenth Agent-Oriented software program Engineering (AOSE) workshop, held on the eleventh overseas convention on independent brokers and Multiagent platforms, AAMAS 2012, in Valencia, Spain, in June 2012. This quantity provides nine completely revised papers chosen from 24 submissions in addition to invited articles by way of best researchers within the box. The papers conceal a vast variety of issues relating to software program engineering of agent-based structures, with specific recognition to the combination of recommendations and strategies from multi-agent structures with fresh programming languages, structures, and validated software program engineering methodologies.
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Fig. 5 shows the holonic architecture we have designed for YMS. As we can see, the YMS is composed by three holons: the YMC (Yard Management Central ), the Freight Forwarders and the YMP (Yard Management Peripheral ). These holons interact to fulfill the goal of their organization, the YMS, although they themselves are autonomous entities with personal objectives. The holonic enterprise framework, which connects enterprise entities, allows information exchange through communication channels and resources management.
Allows to face all the problems related to management, coordination and control of different holons. The result was an extension of the ASPECS metamodel in order to include all the elements providing abstractions for managing the normative issues along with the definition of some new norms that regulate the structural, behavioral and adaptive aspect of an organization. Moreover, we instantiated this new metamodel in a specific logistics business model in order to create an optimized representation of the distribution processes inside a supply chain.
If the workload decreases (for instance unloading operations of a truck are over), Truck Unloading Simulation groups are removed proportionally by the Representative. – If all role-players leave Representative roles an election has to be made for new players. 3, the codified solution of the listed adaptive norms are: 1. adaptiveNorm(representative, workload(W) & W >Treshold, @HolonReorg +! createGroup(GroupSpec, IDHolon, ID)) A Norm-Governed Holonic Multi-agent System Metamodel 37 2. adaptiveNorm(representative, workload(W) & W