Travelling in and Out of Italy: 19th and 20th-Century by Emanuele Occhipinti

By Emanuele Occhipinti

Shuttle has frequently been taken as a metaphor for human existence, and the idea that of commute and the vacationer has assorted throughout centuries, cultural traditions, and social teams. Following a diachronic evaluate of commute writing, this research considers essentially the most vital Italian writers of the past due 19th and twentieth-centuries, resembling D Annunzio, Pirandello, Svevo, with specific specialize in their note-books, letters, trip diaries, and reportage. An research of this fabric shows that those authors acquire their miscellaneous notes, every now and then, as deepest and private records, and in different circumstances to in all likelihood enhance destiny articles, essays or novels. It is going directly to specialise in the adventure par excellence, the journey to the United States, considered as an Eden. in lots of in their works, writers corresponding to Ojetti, Giacosa, Cecchi, Piovene show their ambivalence in the direction of a spot usually idealized as a land of freedom and chance, but additionally said as a land the place oppression and violence are all too genuine. The learn makes an attempt to illustrate how all of the traveller-writers mentioned 'translate' their feel of discovery of their books, and the level to which that experience impacts the belief of every of the texts.

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For the author, Socrates is a constructor of the Superuomo model, and his interpretation of the philosopher is a positive one, as opposed to Nietzche’s negative view of Socrates as a destroyer of the Dionysiac element. Socrates has something to teach us but also D’Annunzio himself. He is proposed as a model contributing to the birth of the Superuomo. Reference to Greece is limited in the novel. D’Annunzio has elaborated his own idea of the place, which does not rely on genuine experience. The Greece that emerges from the notebooks is a literary Greece, which adds nothing more to what he had previously written, prior to gaining first hand experience of the country.

28 Although the process was quite slow, forms of transportation had undergone considerable change over the two preceding centuries, which had witnessed the decline of the palanquin in all but a few cities, the continued use of the saddle horse (the most common means of travel for men in the Middle Ages), and the introduction of the coach. By the midsixteenth century the coach acquires the characteristics of a status symbol, and it will not be for another three hundred years – with the advent of steamboats, trains and other “infernal” forms of modern mass transportation – that a vehicle will spark such heated arguments and strong emotions.

In the Libro segreto, the place of origin of the memoir and its re-elaboration are no longer important issues and pages of memories and reflections flow in succession in no apparent order. The year 1895 marks the close of a series of important years; the author defines, widens and transforms his aesthetic and ideological horizons, with the addition, on the Parnassian horizon, of the discovery of Nietzsche during his Neapolitan years. Notebooks, Letters, Reportage 43 D’Annunzio becomes acquainted with Wagner and his works in Naples, where the Revue Wagnerienne is in circulation.

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