The modern fencer. by Thomas Griffiths

By Thomas Griffiths

Учебник фехтования рапирой середины XIX века.
Описываются основыне позиции, защиты.
Атакам внимания не уделяется.
Описываются обводы и переводы оружия - «финты» в терминологии автора.
Книга написана кратким и ясным языком, лекгим для понимания и перевода (при условии, что читатель знает основы фехтования и нумерацию позиций).

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2, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990 [1987], 166, my translation). The Street and the Ring • ing to Ludwig Wittgenstein, is born and persists only in and through the group that it defines in turn through a circular process. In other words, the dispositions that make up the accomplished pugilist are, like any "technique of the body" for Marcel Mauss, the "work of individual and collective practical reason. " 5 Finally, to become a boxer is to appropriate through progressive impregnation a set of corporeal mechanisms and mental schemata so intimately imbricated that they erase the distinction between the physical and the spiritual, between what pertains to athletic abilities and what belongs to moral capacities and will.

6. , 383, trans. 120, my translation. 7. Martin Sanchez-Jankowski, Islands in the Street: Gangs in Urban American Society (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991); Mercer Sullivan, "Getting Paid": Youth, Crime, and Work in the Inner City (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989); and Philippe Bourgois, In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). 17 18 • Body & Soul social meaning only in regard of the structure of life chances offered— or denied—by the local system of instruments of social reproduction and mobility, namely, the public schools, the deskilled labor market, and the activities and networks that make up the predatory economy of the street.

I had to be a mean dog. A lotta concentrated people, young guys wan'ed to take yer money and beat ya up an' you jus' had to fight or move out the neighbo'hood. " Many gym members were thus "pretrained" on the street in the art of self-defense, if not by personal taste then by necessity. In point of fact, a good number of them are former "street fighters" reconverted to boxing. "I used to fight a lot when I was younger anyway," recounts Lorenzo, "so my father figure like, you know, 'If you gonna fight, well why don't you take it to a gym where you gonna learn, you know, a little more basics to it, maybe make some money, go further and do somethin'...

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