By Prof. Dr. A. O. Barut (auth.)
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E. e8 = 0, implies Q---, oe. From Eqs. 1o) ' 2 = SI~ + S,2 + S 2 - 2 S , S r - 2SKS -- 2 S ~ S . 10') 60 R. Gatto. We have now to choose the right sign in Eq. 10). We must require that when S~--, 0 the axial vector divergence ~ for i = 1, 2, 3 vanishes. This is in fact the content of the operator formulation of PCAC. --,0). or equivalently The two solutions behave as follows for S ~ 0 ~+~2 SK-S S ' ~_~0. Therefore the correct choice is Q_. This completes the derivation. It is also interesting to consider the limit S ~ 0 .
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Bell, J. : Phys. Letters 5, 94 (1963). 8. v. : Nuovo Cimento 30, 859 (1963). 9. - - unpublished. 10. For two recent surveys of high-energy neutrino physics see Perl;ins, D. : Proc. 1968 CERN School E1 Escorial CERN report 68-23; - - Topical Conf. on Weak Interactions CERN 1969. 11. : Topical Conf. on Weak Interactions CERN 1969. 12. : Phys. Rev. Letters 9, 36 (1962). Bienlein, J. : Phys. Letters 13, 80 (1964). : Phys. Letters 13, 86 (1964). 13. : Phys. Rev. Letters 15, 830 (1965). 14. Feynman, R.