By Dr. phil. H. F. Linskens, M. V. Tracey M. A., Dr. Ulrich Beiss, Dr. Fay Bendall, Fil. lic. Walter Björk, Professor Dr. F. Bohlmann, Hans G. Boman, Dr. sc. nat. Richard Braun, Dr. W. Heinen, cand. chem. Manfred Hesse, Dr. Eduard Hofmann, Dr. J. R. Hudson,
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Although the enthusiasm eventually spent itself, a firm residue of factual information has remained. One established fact is that actively growing or dividing cells are seats of relatively high concentrations of sulfhydryl-containing compounds. The problems encountered in analyzing tissues for sulfhydryl content arise from two quite different considerations - the diversity of compounds bearing - SH groups and the extreme chemical reactivity of thiols. It is appropriate therefore to discuss first the kinds of sulfhydryl compounds occurring in tissues and then to consider suitable techniques for their determination.