By Richard V. Tyson, T. H. Pearson
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S " ' - ~ - - ~ ' ~ - "," 1200~- Pseuduncio/a ob/iquua / / 2~ ~9 -. . . 4 , \ ~'-,~ . . o ,/ 0~- "\ /r ///~ 600| e . 1975 ~ "\ ~, 1976 ~'-'~, % 1977 Fig. 1. Fluctuations of the population densities of selected species of macrobenthos on the inner continental shelf of the New York Bight before, during and after the occurrence of widespread hypoxia during the summer of 1976. Stations A and B are located south of Long Island in an area which did not become seriously hypoxic. Stations C2 and C4 are located off central New Jersey in the area of most intense hypoxia.
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