Further essentials of pharmacology for nurses by Barber, Paul; Parkes, Joy; Blundell, Diane

By Barber, Paul; Parkes, Joy; Blundell, Diane

This obtainable publication follows on from necessities of Pharmacology for Nurses by way of the subsequent logical set of gear that nurses want to know similar to melanoma medicinal drugs, cardiovascular medicinal drugs and vaccines.

summary: This obtainable booklet follows on from necessities of Pharmacology for Nurses by way of the following logical set of gear that nurses want to know akin to melanoma medicinal drugs, cardiovascular medicines and vaccines

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P1: OTA/XYZ MHBK059-02 P2: ABC MHBK059-Barber February 27, 2012 12:57 Printer Name: Yet to Come Chapter 2 Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract The reaction of urea hydrolysis is important for the diagnosis of HP using a breath test. It was considered once that the stomach was a sterile environment and did not contain any bacteria. Because the stomach has such a low pH of stomach acid (1–4) it was considered that nothing would, or could, survive such a hostile environment; however, the identification and isolation of HP 25 years ago changed this way of thinking.

This mechanism is not fully understood but is believed to be due to a slowing down of potassium ions leaving the cardiac muscle cell. For acute arrhythmias 20−120mg sotalol can be given by IV; however, this needs to take place over a period of 10 minutes and the patient must have cardiac monitoring throughout. This injection can be repeated if necessary after a six-hour interval. More normally the drug is given orally, and initially the dose is 80mg divided into one or two doses in a 24-hour period.

3 A doctor has prescribed a patient 125mcg of digoxin. You have digoxin elixir 50mcg per ml. How much should you administer? 5mcg? 6 An infusion pump contains 50mg of glyceryl trinitrate in 100ml. You are asked to deliver a dose of 4mg per hour. What is the rate in ml per hour? 7 You are required to give a patient GTN as a continuous IV infusion at 25mcg/minute. You have prepared a 50mg in 50ml infusion. What rate should you set the infusion pump at, in ml/hr, to deliver this dose? 8 A patient is prescribed an amiodarone infusion of 400mg in 200ml and the flow rate is 35ml/hr.

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