Electric Submersible Pumps by Shauna Noonan (Ed.)

By Shauna Noonan (Ed.)

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Xmas Trees. The subsea Xmas trees selected had a horizontal design. To ensure sufficient independent pressure barriers between the well-stream fluids and the environment, an external tree cap was used, replacing the upper crown plug. The tubing hanger was designed with an eccentric production bore to allow passage of the dual wet-mateable electrical connectors, which carried electrical power from the tree cap to the downhole cables. Fig. 2—The Otter subsea equipment layout. March 2004 SPE Drilling & Completion 53 Changeover Switch.

Main ESP Power Cable. The power cable is a #1 AWG ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer (EPDM) based barrier-type electrical cable, selected on the basis of its extensive offshore track record in North Sea applications. Packer-Penetration System. The upper and lower ESP systems include fully leaded packer-penetration systems. This gives additional protection against downhole fluid ingression. Downhole Monitoring System. Because of the proven value of real-time ESP monitoring, both upper and lower pumps are fitted with a system allowing acquisition and transmission of several key parameters.

The lower completion consists of a packer with a tailpipe containing a nipple profile to allow setting or pulling a wireline plug through the upper completion. The nipple was located at the bottom of the well’s slant section, with a maximum inclination of 55°. The tailpipe was stabbed into the top of the gravel-pack assembly to give mechanical continuity for coiledtubing interventions. The assembly was run in filtered brine using a drillpipe setting tool with the wireline plug installed in the nipple.

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