Cellular Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease: by C. Haass, G. Multhaup

By C. Haass, G. Multhaup

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Neurodegenerative Dis 2006;3:218–226 225 60 Neumann S, Schobel S, Jager S, Trautwein A, Haass C, Pietrzik CU, Lichtenthaler SF: APLP1 influences endocytosis and proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein. J Biol Chem 2006; 281:7583–7594. 61 Scheuermann S, Hambsch B, Hesse L, Stumm J, Schmidt C, Beher D, Bayer TA, Beyreuther K, Multhaup G: Homodimerization of amyloid precursor protein and its implication in the amyloidogenic pathway of Alzheimer’s disease. J Biol Chem 2001; 276: 33923–33929.

32]. Thus, an indirect interaction of APP with kinesin via a cytosolic APP interaction partner could be postulated. However, coimmunoprecipitation studies of APP and kinesin-1 from mouse brain lysates with any of a wide range of specific antibodies to different epitopes on KLC, KHC, and APP N- and C-terminus (kindly obtained from G. Multhaup, Berlin, and T. , pers. ] revealed, in contrast to previous studies from Kamal et al. [32], no indication for a common complex of APP and kinesin. Importantly, other putative kinesin-cargo receptors, such as JIP3/JSAP1 (Sunday driver, Syd) [35], have been coimmunoprecipitated under identical conditions [34].

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