Aristotle on Dialectic. The Topics. Proceedings of the Third by G.E.L. Owen

By G.E.L. Owen

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Io), but Ar. probably had in mind HeracUtus fr. 82 πιθήκων ό κάλλιστος αΙσχρος άνθρώττων γένει συμβάλλειν, which alludes to καλλίας = 'tame ape'. The same allusion occurs i n Pind. Ρ. 2. 72 καλό? τοι πίθων παρά παισίν, aiei καλός, l l 8 ^ l : τοΰ αντοΰ. Τ. takes this and ^2 μείζονος as a possessive, and not a comparative, genit. ('si, pour un meme sujet, l'un des attributs est un plus grand bien'). But the context shows that τοΰ αύτον denotes a common measure. I t seems to follow that μείζονος denotes the same common measure (cf.

G. Eur. F. 633—5 ^όντα τάνθρώπων ΐσα . , χρημασιν Se διά­ φοροι ('they differ only in wealth'), Top. 145^29 ov συμβαίν€ΐ νΰν αύτό άθάνατον eivai ('only at present'), 148^21 evia S' ού XeKreov (C. wrongly putS a fuU stop after τοιαΰτα), 159*25 «<^'^ αδιόριστα ('there areonly vague rules'. R. wrongly suggests Ιστι τινά), 1 6 4 ^ i 4 01 γνμναζόμενοι ('those who only aim at some training'). See further Newman on Pol. 1382*36· I i 9 * 2 i : μή rou)VTov τοιοΰτο. ) seems to be wrong. I t foUows from *28 τά εΙρημ4να πρότερον that this case has already been mentioned.

Wrongly maintains that this meaiung does not occur i 4 i * l 6 : ελάττωσιν. : cf 1136^20, 1 r 3 8 * 1 . 1 4 2 ^ 3 3 : aTTohovs. ) is unnecessary, for the meaning is 'somebody who has rendered (it)'. Sorethprmtedbelow,p, 45. N O T E S O N T H E TOPICS used substantivally cf. G. i . 36, 6 0 8 - 9 , 37 Schw. ü. 408-9, Mnemos. ( 1 9 5 5 ) , 2 8 0 (on P1. Pkdr. 249 b 7 ) . 143^2: καΙ ίνυδρω. I . Düring, Aristotle's De partibus animalium (G

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