Afro-Bets Book of Shapes by Margery Brown, Culverson Blair

By Margery Brown, Culverson Blair

Afro-Bets: booklet of Shapes [Paperback]
Margery Brown (Author), Culverson Blair (Illustrator)

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I sang it. She played a scale. I sang every note. I beamed. I'd always wished I could sing. I sang the scale again, louder. Perfect! "That's enough, young lady. " An hour later Dancing Mistress told me to step lightly. My partner was Julia, the tall maiden who had teased Areida the night before. I pressed on her arms, using her to support my weight so I could step lightly. " She pulled away. I fell. I heard giggles. Dancing Mistress took Julia's place. I couldn't lean on her. I pretended my feet were balloons.

Yes, you have to. " "Just for a minute," I said, unclasping it I didn't delay. They mustn't see me struggle against the curse. " I did so. " The order had been for her sister. " Hattie settled back in her seat. " "Let me try it, Ella," Olive said. "When you're older," Hattie answered. But I had to obey. I tried desperately to ignore Olive's order, but all my complaints started: churning stomach, pounding temples, shortness of breath. "Let her have her turn," I said through clenched teeth. "See," Olive said.

I was still having trouble with the child. He was pulling his little beard and wriggling to escape. ",pwich azzoogh fraecH" he cried. I used his distress to avoid answering the question. " But Char wasn't distracted. " I had to answer, somehow. "His eyes," I lied. "Something about them. " Char sounded alarmed. " The gnome child wailed, thrashing at the air. I wondered if the parrot's words might soothe him. I spoke them, hoping they weren't an insult. fwthchor evtoogh brzzay eerth ymmadboech evtoogh brzzaY" The child's face cleared, and he smiled, showing pearly baby teeth.

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