Winning wrestling moves by Mark Mysnyk

By Mark Mysnyk

Photos and textual content clarify a number of wrestling strikes together with easy abilities, takedowns, escapes and reversals, breakdowns, rides, and pinning combos, and freestyle turns.

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If Single-Leg Set-ups See the Underhook-Offense section on page 57. Underhook FINISHES AS A CONTINUATION OF THE PENETRATION STEP Throw Him Behind You As just described, you can take your opponent directly to the mat simply by throwing him behind you. The keys are to have him pushing into you, throwing right arm, arching your back, and throwing your head back to help drive his arm and therefore him behind you. him hard with your — — Takedown < Change to a 49 Double The opponent's hips should be square to you for you to do this.

From here, in drive straight into the him to finish move. opponent toward you so that he must hop his foot toward you. into him and step your right foot as far behind him as possible, then change to a double-leg takedown and drive him to the mat. Pull the Change to a Double As he hops, drive •Sit Back This finish works best when the opponent has his weight forward, especially if he has a wizzer and is driving you forward. Unlock your hand from around his knee and slide your right hand up to his Hooking and Lifting His Leg Head in Front Hook your opponent's left leg with your right leg, release your hands from around his left knee, and reach for his right leg (a).

Instead of lifting his leg only enough to get it on your hip, lift it as high as you can so that his other foot comes off the mat. The second way is starting with knee and ankle control. Lift his leg as high as possible, and at the same time take a big step away from him with your left foot. This extends him and makes it easier to get him off the mat (c). _ Winning Wrestling Moves 20 Knee Pressure just above your opponent's knee and around the inside of it as far as possible, then twist his knee and ankle out while pulling down his leg (d).

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