Tyrannosaurus Lex: The Marvelous Book of Palindromes, by Rod L. Evans

By Rod L. Evans

Welcome to the bizarre and lovely international of phrases!

Tyrannosaurus Lex is your consultant to the fascinating global of logology—the pursuit of notice puzzles or complicated words—featuring:
•A wealth of witty anagrams, palindromes, and puns
•Clever paraprosdokians: sentences with striking endings (“I’ve had a superbly impressive night, yet this wasn’t it.”—Groucho Marx)
•Fascinating oronyms: a couple of words that fluctuate in that means and spelling, but percentage an analogous pronunciation (“The stuffy nostril can result in problems” as opposed to “The stuff he understands can result in problems.”)
•Peculiar oxymora: phrases or words which are self-contradictory (Jumbo shrimp! visitor host! Gold silverware!)

So relax and prepare to benefit approximately every little thing from antigrams and aptanagrams to kangaroo phrases and phantonyms. You’ll by no means examine language an analogous back!

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160hp Beardmore engine; max. 303in machine guns, 2001b (90kg) bombs. flew early Lemnitzer eventually concluded with the dispatch of a German delegation, headed by Col Viktor von Schweinitz, to Alexander's hq at Caserta in Italy where the instrument of surrender was signed on April 29, coming into effect on May 2 1945. Army. g. 21st Army Group (British), Army Group Centre (German, World War II). Army of Africa, the advance of (August- October 1936), Spanish Civil War. Franco's advance on Madrid began from Seville on August 6 after the first major airlift of troops 12,000 in history men were (altogether, ferried across the Straits of Gibraltar from Spanish Morocco in German and Italian Under Col Yagiie, a lorryborne force of around 8,000 Foreign Legionnaires and Moroccan levies known as regulares, advanced rapidly north from aircraft).

Franco's German advisers persuaded him not to advance on Barcelona. ) Phase five in May and June pushed the southern side of the Vinaroz corridor down towards Valencia. But here in the Sierras stretching to the coast north of Viver and Segorbe, the Nationalists were stopped by the defences. There, the Republicans fought their most effective battle of the war, inflicting 20,000 casualties at a cost of only 5,000. AB. short of fuel; the Allies (c80,000 casualties) reinforced and, with improved weather, increased air operations.

Italian. Chief of Italian Armed Forces from February Ambrosio, (RAFT AND WEAPONS. 15 Almond retained his independent command for the subsequent ad- Ancre, Battle of the 4 1943, replacing Cavallero, whom Mussolini thought was too proGerman when first considering defection from the Axis; became Inspector-General in the Badoglio government after the Italian capitulation in September 1943. American Expeditionary Force (aef). American armed forces sent overseas, 1917—18, during World War I. Gen Pershing was command the aef in appointed to May 1917.

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