The Social Problem of Men: Final Report : Volume 2 by Jeff Hearn, Keith Pringle

By Jeff Hearn, Keith Pringle

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Greater risk taking behaviour is evident for men in terms of drinking and driving and not always using a seatbelt. The suicide rate among men has trebled over the past 25 years, with the highest increases in the 15-24 year old age group, but has remained constant for women. 1:1, Ireland has the highest gender ratio of 15-24 year old suicides in the 46 countries covered by the WHO. Italy: No specific key issues are identified at this stage, though there is a strong emphasis on recent statistical information on demographics, marriage, poverty, health, suicide, crime and violence.

There is a lack of consideration of how men might assist the promotion of gender equality in ways that assist women; there is a lack of consideration of how different aspects of men’s practices might connect with each other, for example, fatherhood and violence. Ireland: 1. The ‘family’ in Irish law is the kinship group based on marriage, and the only legitimate ‘father’ is the married father. Despite the fact that 26% of all births in Ireland are now outside of marriage, unmarried fathers are not acknowledged as fathers under the Irish Constitution (whereas the mother is given automatic rights by virtue of being a mother).

Accordingly, the Committee proposed measures in three main areas: increasing men’s participation in caregiving and household tasks in the home sphere, combating men’s violence against women, and increasing research efforts. 3. In the early 1990s, there was a slowdown of the gender equality process. Several factors created these changes. Norway experienced an economic setback as well as a political shift to the right. The welfare state was increasingly targeted by neo-liberal political views. Interestingly, the 1988 survey had shown that these trends were characterised by a strong overrepresentation of men, and especially of men with a single mother upbringing.

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