By R. Austin Freeman
The secret of 31 New hotel via R. Austin Freeman
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Even as it was, feeling convinced that the case was one of morphine poisoning, 60 I was far from confident that I should be able to draw him back from the extreme edge of vitality on which he trembled so insecurely. "He is very ill? " It was Mrs. Schallibaum's voice; very low, but eager and intense. I turned, with my finger on the patient's wrist, and looked into the face of the most thoroughly scared woman I have ever seen. She made no attempt now to avoid the light, but looked me squarely in the face, and I noticed, halfunconsciously, that her eyes were brown and had a curious strained expression.
Yes, if we do. I am doubtful whether Mr. Weiss will require my services again, but I sincerely hope he will. It would be rare sport to locate his secret burrow, all unsuspected. " "Good-bye, then," said Thorndyke, slipping a well-sharpened pencil through the rubber band that fixed the notebook to the board. " He handed me the board and the lamp, and, when I had slipped them into my pocket, we shook hands and I hurried away, a little uneasy at having left my charge so long. 54 Chapter III - "A Chiel's Amang Ye Takin' Notes" * The attitude of the suspicious man tends to generate in others the kind of conduct that seems to justify his suspicions.
To be thinking of bed. But I was not sleepy. Over my frugal supper I found myself taking up anew the thread of my meditations, and afterwards, as I smoked my last pipe by the expiring surgery fire, the strange and 34 sinister features of the case continued to obtrude themselves on my notice. " I read up morphine poisoning and was only further confirmed in the belief that my diagnosis was correct; which would have been more satisfactory if the circumstances had been different. For the interest of the case was not merely academic.