By Dr. Martin L. West (auth.)
A consultant for clients and makers of severe variants of Greek and Latin texts explanations of textual version research of closed and open traditions evaluate of versions and emendations amassing the fabric for an variation format of textual content and gear Specimen passages with remark
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Pack, The Greek and Latin Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt, 2nd ed. (Ann Arbor 1965), supplementing it from the papyrological bibliographies published regularly in Aegyptus. 64 He should note down from the catalogues such information as datings, identifications of scribes, the pages on which the work that concerns him begins and ends, and the other works contained in each manuscript. This last item may be a useful hint of a manuscript's affinities, for groupings of works changed frequently in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
303-4. 375-8. 386-9. See also Barrett, Euripides: Hippolytos, p. 58. 41 ancient quotations 9), and if this happens more than can reasonably be accounted for by the recording of variants in the margins of an archetype 10) or in a body of scholia, then it is necessary to assume more than one line of transmission from antiquity. (ii) From the presence of divergences so substantial, or at so early a date within the Middle Ages, that one cannot believe them to have arisen in the short time available or under the conditions that prevailed after the end of antiquity.
When on the other hand a single manuscript offers a series of marginal variants which correspond to those known from another manuscript or family, it is a sign of contamination. Dealing with an open recension Besides OGR there are many later, derivative manuscripts of Catullus whose affinities cannot be reduced to a stemma. But because the three primary manuscripts permit us to reconstruct the archetype, it is possible to concentrate on them and treat the tradition as a closed one. The situation is similar with, for example, Lucretius and Theognis.