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Before introducing the kicked Harper model formally, let us recall some facts about the Harper model. It was first derived to describe electrons moving in a two-dimensional periodic potential, so-called Bloch electrons, in a magnetic field directed perpendicularly to the potential plane [16,17]. Its Hamiltonian is discrete and reads H= n V cos (2πσn + ν) a†n an + a†n+1 an + a†n−1 an , (1) where V is the potential strength, σ a measure of the magnetic flux, ν a phase, and a†n , an are the creation and annihilation operators at site n.
24) Note that Kondo conductance (24) in the strongly asymmetric set-up is significantly smaller than the conductance quantum e2 /h even at T = 0. The maximal value of GK is substantially increased, if the asymmetry between the junctions is reduced, and the condition GL e2 /h is lifted. To show this, we further generalize the above results to include the experimentally important case |rR | |rL | 1. Like in the case of a single strong junction considered above, the backscattering in the junctions becomes increasingly effective at low electron energies.
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