Sixth International Congress on Industrial and Applied by Rolf Jeltsch and Gerhard Wanner

By Rolf Jeltsch and Gerhard Wanner

Invited Lectures: a degree set process for the numerical simulation of wear and tear evolution through G. Allaire, F. Jouve, and N. Van Goethem Dissipation inequalities in structures concept: An creation and up to date effects by means of C. Ebenbauer, T. Raff, and F. Allgower a few nonlinear difficulties regarding non-local diffusions through L. Caffarelli High-order tools for PDEs: contemporary advances and new views through C. Canuto Radar imaging by way of M. Cheney Adaptive approximations by means of grasping algorithms via A. Cohen Multiscale research of density practical idea by means of Weinan E Frictional touch in sturdy mechanics by means of M. Fortin, C. Robitaille, A. Fortin, and A. Rezgui Numerical equipment for absolutely nonlinear elliptic equations via R. Glowinski Asymptotic strategies of Hamilton-Jacobi equations for big time and similar themes by way of H. Ishii Hyperbolic conservation legislation. prior and destiny via B. Keyfitz Second-order PDE and deterministic video games via R. Kohn and S. Serfaty Controllability and observability: From ODEs to quasilinear hyperbolic platforms by way of T. Li Order-value optimization and new purposes by way of J. Martinez Conformation dynamics through C. Schutte, F. Noe, E. Meerbach, P. Metzner, and C. Hartmann MCMC tools for sampling functionality area by means of A. Beskos and A. Stuart Chaotic itinerancy truth within the dynamic brain--episodic reminiscence formation by way of I. Tsuda Visibility and invisibility by way of G. Uhlmann optimum algorithms for discretized partial differential equations by way of J. Xu Euler specified Lecture: Leonhard Euler: His lifestyles, the fellow, and his works through W. Gautschi

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Van Goethem shape optimization (see [1], [19] and references therein). In other words, we parametrize the characteristic function χ by the interface between the healthy and damaged zone. This surface is moved with a normal velocity which is a descent direction for the cost functional (7), computed by shape differentiation. Since we use a simple steepest descent gradient algorithm, we compute local minimizers which may be not global. Here, local has to be understood in the topology of diffeomorphisms parameterizing the interface.

Allaire, F. Jouve, N. Van Goethem with i = 0, 1. Recall that, in space dimension d, the Young modulus E and Eν and the Poisson ratio ν are related to the Lam´e moduli by λ = (1+ν)(1+(1−d)ν) E µ = 2(1+ν) . The boundary of the body is made of two parts, ∂Ω = ΓD ∪ ΓN , where a Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed on ΓD and a Neumann boundary condition is imposed on ΓN . We denote by n the normal unit vector on ∂Ω. We introduce the space of admissible displacement fields V = {u ∈ H 1 (Ω, Rd ) such that u = 0 on ΓD }.

Li, G. Strang, I. Sloan The Chair of the ICIAM Su Buchin Prize Subcommittee, Li Da-Quian, presented the Prize Winner and the appreciation. Gilbert Strang has made great contributions in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, including finite element methods, linear algebra and matrix theory, wavelet analysis, signal and image processing, geodesy and telecommunications. He has also made remarkable contributions to the promotion of mathematical research and education in developing countries, and has had significant impact on human development in the area of mathematics.

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