Pure mathematics. Vol.1,2 by Parsonson S.L.

By Parsonson S.L.

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Firstly, the feature algebra abstracts from the details of different programming languages and environments used in FOSD. , allowing terminal composition or not, reflect variants and alternatives in concrete programming language mechanisms. html J. Meseguer and G. ): AMAST 2008, LNCS 5140, pp. 36–50, 2008. , type checking [6] and interaction analysis [7]. Fourthly, the algebraic description of a software system can be taken as an architectural view. External tools can use the algebra as a basis for feature expression optimization [4, 8].

Tk are phrases. Semantically a phrase is a composed action. That is, a phrase represents a solution algorithm. The BNF syntax of the NLD language whose semantics is specified above follows: S = "AlgName:" [I";"][O";"] ActionList I = "Input:" DL O = "Output:"DL DL= D | D "," DL D = "ConceptType" VarList VarList = Var | Var "," VarList ActionList = Action | Action "compose" ActionList Action = "Perform:" PhraseList PhraseList = Phrase | Phrase ";" PhraseList Phrase = Concept | Concept ArgList | "itOperator" Phrase ArgList = "("Arg")" | "("Arg "," ArgList")" Arg = Phrase | Concept Var = "usersId" Concept = "noun" | "verb" where terminals are in quotes and nonterminals are capitalized.

Are not the operations which are utilized by a programming language such as C or Fortran. Rather, these terms represent universal, standalone, composable computational processes used by high-school students. It just happens that in this case these symbols represent terms that IT experts are accustomed to seeing in their favorite programming language. This paradigm of algorithm execution does not imply that computer programming disappears. It only implies that computer programming is done by professional programmers while AD experts develop and run domain algorithms using domain concepts.

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