By Debra Anne Ross
Makes the transition from pre-algebra tender and relaxing. themes comprise: translating difficulties into algebraic equations, fixing uncomplicated algebraic equations, and addition of polynomials.
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10 13 - 3 = 10 10 = 10 on by by 36 or Solving Simple Algebraic Equations + 3x - 10 = -4 x. x by -x x 3x - x - 10 = 2x - 10 = -4 10 2x - 10 10 = -4+ 10 + by 2. = 612 by 3x - 10 = -4+ x. - 10 = -4+ 3 9-10=-4+3 -1= -1 by by x 10 + - 20 = 10 + - - by 5x 37 + = -5(4 Algebra + 10 + 10 + - 20 = 10 - 20 + = + + - = 10 + 10 + + 10 = = by 11. 2. Solving simple algebraic equations containing fractions by by 1. 2. by 3. 4. by 5. 2 d 3 - 2d4 = 4 2x-2x- - = 3 4 lx -2x- - = 3 2 4 1 4 1 39 x. Algebra 3 2 3 , 6 , 9 , 12, ...
4. by 2 43 Algebra 2 d z = 8 on by 2. d Z = = 8 2 - 4 = 42 (dKT)(dX-l) = 16 1 by = 8 2 d E 2& = 8 44 Solving Simple Algebraic Equations by 2. 1. , Basic Math and Pre-Algebra, 5. book by Inequalities (>) (2) (<), or on on 46 Algebraic Inequalities x 3 -(x/3) s - 5 - 3 -(x/3) < by -3. x 2 (-8)(-3) x 2 24 47 3 - ( d 3 )< -5. Algebra by 3- 3- I 5 8- s0 8 by 3. 1. Definitions A monomiaZ 2x, 4 x 5 8 binomid 2~ + 8 , 3 - ~5x2 49 Algebra A trinomiaZ 4x2 + 3x + 9, 4x4 - 2x2 + 4x 2x2 degree 2. degree by 4x4 - 2x2 + 4x 5x2 + 3x + 9 4x2 4.
24/8 = x 3 =x - = - b = bx. 3. Solving simple algebraic equations containing radicals 1. on 2. 3. 4. by 2 43 Algebra 2 d z = 8 on by 2. d Z = = 8 2 - 4 = 42 (dKT)(dX-l) = 16 1 by = 8 2 d E 2& = 8 44 Solving Simple Algebraic Equations by 2. 1. , Basic Math and Pre-Algebra, 5. book by Inequalities (>) (2) (<), or on on 46 Algebraic Inequalities x 3 -(x/3) s - 5 - 3 -(x/3) < by -3. x 2 (-8)(-3) x 2 24 47 3 - ( d 3 )< -5. Algebra by 3- 3- I 5 8- s0 8 by 3. 1. Definitions A monomiaZ 2x, 4 x 5 8 binomid 2~ + 8 , 3 - ~5x2 49 Algebra A trinomiaZ 4x2 + 3x + 9, 4x4 - 2x2 + 4x 2x2 degree 2.