Logic as grammar by Norbert Hornstein

By Norbert Hornstein

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2 Check that task 1 is clear, and that the list of suggestions is understood in the same way by everybody. Wherever possible, the target culture should be the student’s own, but in multicultural groups some will contribute as ‘outsiders’. The list of suggestions given can be added to in a quick brainstorming session. Then students should do the task in pairs or small groups. They should select their main headings, then prepare a few notes under each one. 3 Introduce task 2 by asking whether you would need to point out to a German that business people in Belgium shake hands when they first meet.

Procedure Outcomes 1 Ask students about visits they have made to other countries, and how far they have found it useful to prepare themselves in advance. How much information is useful and/or necessary, either for a holiday or for a period of residence? This activity will give practice in preparing that kind of advice. 5) - should show how some types of information can be useful preparation for a visit to or residence in another country. 2 Check that task 1 is clear, and that the list of suggestions is understood in the same way by everybody.

Advising Affiliating Asking Challenging Communicating Competing Confirming Consulting Contesting Cooperating Correcting Criticising □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Directing Empathising Enquiring Humiliating Informing Networking Ordering Protesting Reacting Reconciling Sharing Solving □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ A 2 Would you describe your own culture (national or corporate) as predominantly masculine or predominantly feminine? 3 Which of the above characteristics would you wish to be more evident, and which less evident in your own organisation?

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