Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry by Robert M. McCarron DO, Glen L. Xiong MD, James A. Bourgeois

By Robert M. McCarron DO, Glen L. Xiong MD, James A. Bourgeois OD MD

Lippincott's fundamental Care Psychiatry, a part of the Primary Care Series, is helping kin practitioners, internists, nurse practitioners, doctor assistants, and psychological wellbeing and fitness practitioners comprehend, diagnose, and successfully deal with the most typical psychiatric difficulties visible within the basic care workplace setting.

The introductory bankruptcy presents sensible guidance for the first care psychiatric interview and introduces the "AMPS Screening tool", that's used to quick display for the most typical psychiatric issues. next chapters hide as a rule encountered problems and stick with a trouble-free structure: Introductory Case; scientific Highlights; scientific value; analysis; Differential analysis, together with "Not to Be ignored" issues; Biopsychosocial therapy, together with "When to Refer"; perform guidelines case stories; ICD-9 codes; and functional Resources.

Lippincott's fundamental Care Psychiatry comprises chapters on melancholy, anxiousness, psychosis, substance problems, consuming problems, character problems, and unexplained actual signs. designated subject chapters on geriatric psychiatry, sleep problems, suicide and violence chance overview, and cultural concerns also are incorporated.

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Clin ica l Sig n ifica n ce 18 Lip p in cott’s Prim a ry Ca re Ps ych ia try CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS (Continued) • Ro u g h ly 10% o f p a t ie n t s in p rim a ry ca re se t t in g s m e e t t h e crit e ria fo r m a jo r d e p re ssive diso rd e r. • De p re ssio n is com m o n a m o n g p o st pa rt u m w o m e n a n d p a t ie n t s w it h a p e rso na l o r fa m ily h ist o ry o f d e p re ssio n , t h e e xp e rie n ce o f a re ce n t t ra u m a o r lo ss, o n g o in g su b st a n ce a b u se , a n d co m o rb id syst e m ic m e d ica l illn e sse s su ch a s ca n ce r, d ia b e t e s m e llit u s, ne u rolo g ic d ise a se , a n d ca rd io va scu la r d ise a se .

De p re s s ion is a ls o com m on in p a t ie n t s w it h d e m e n t ia . Ne urologic Disorde rs Th e ris k of d e p re s s ion is ve ry h igh in t h e firs t ye a r follow in g a s t roke . Pos t s t roke d e p re s s ion corre la t e s w it h fa ilu re t o re ga in m ot or fu n ct ion , m ore m e d ica l com p lica t ion s , a n d cogn it ive im p a irm e n t . Pa rkin s on d is e a s e is a ls o fre q u e n t ly com p lica t e d by d e p re s s ion . Th e d e p re s s ion in Pa rkin s on d is e a s e m a y h a ve a gre a t e r im p a ct on q u a lit y of life t h a n im p a irm e n t from t h e a s s ocia t e d m ove m e n t d is ord e r.

4: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? #5: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Family Psychiatric History: Did your grandparents, parents, or siblings ever have severe problems with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, or any other emotional problems? Social and Developmental History: S o c io e c o n o m ic S ta tu s Are you currently unemployed? Are you having any problems at home? In te rp e rs o n a l Re la tio n s h ip s Are you having any problems with close personal relationships?

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