Linear Algebra Second Edition by Serge Lang

By Serge Lang

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The characteristic polynomial defines a continuous map P W G ! s/, s semisimple, is the set As of g in G with semisimple part conjugate to s. supp f / of the support of f is compact. supp f /. The inverse image of the open N is open and it contains also an open compact neighborhood sK 0 of s. sK 0 / N. S s, hence 0 Hence g2G gsK g 1 does not intersect supp f . 27. G/. sui ; f /: iD1 Pt PROOF. sui ; f /fi are zero on all g 2 As . G/ on an open G-invariant compactly generated neighborhood of s, depending on f , by the last two propositions.

X/ are supported on characters for L ¨ G, is absorbed into the inductive hypothesis used to define the geometric distributions. The spectral distribution satisfies descent and splitting formulae analogous to those satisfied by IM . /. A/1 /, the distribution IM . 1 ; X; f / is defined by taking S sufficiently large so that 1 and f are unramified outside of S. The distribution appearing on the spectral side of Arthur’s formula is defined by setting IM . 1 ; f / D IM . ; 0; f / for any 2 iaM . M;t/ .

Sui /, 1 Ä i Ä r, of elements sui with semisimple part s, so that the following properties hold: (1) u1 D e. sui / is closed. sut / is open in Ot . suj / for j < i. We have the following proposition, giving the germ expansion. 8. x; f / D X i for all regular x in Vf . x; f /. The remainder of this section concerns a proof due to Shalika [Shal72] and Harish-Chandra [HC70], extended by Vigneras [Vi82] to the metaplectic group. 25. , to simplify the notation. 9. G/. Let T be a maximalregtorus in G.

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