By B. Mercier
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Emotional load of an image promotes its storage. There is a distinction to be made between safety of conscious and unconscious memories. If, as was shown, reproduction of a previously elaborated system of reflexes in rats worsens with an increase in neocortex mass that has been ablated after 180-200 pairings of CS+ and US (a 3-linked chain of conditional reflexes with an interval between CS+ and US of a few seconds), the reflex system does not depend at all on the mass of the cortex removed after 350-400 pairings (phase of automation).
3 Location of functions in the brain 35 ops as if evaluation of the future result of an instrumental action restricted by a given neuron is predicted by the processes running within this neuron. 3 Location of functions in the brain Brain has architecture that is specific to a given species and gradually develops during evolution and during individual existence, though correspondence within the species is not ideal. Subtle structural peculiarities of the brain can depend on heredity, but they are not decisive for brain function.
The training procedure consisted of the acquisition (25-35 combinations of the CS+ and US), an extinction series (15-20 presentations of the isolated CS+ after 5-10 min break), and a second acquisition stage consisting of repeated development of the conditioned reflex following a 20-minute break. The development of the associative connection was judged by the change in the electrical activity of defense command neurons. Regularities for the instrumental conditioning were more complex. To ensure that the instrumental reaction occurred within the recorded neuron, the basic reinforcement schedule was delivered to only a single target neuron.