Human Atheroma. With Particular Reference to Endocrine by W. L. Ashton

By W. L. Ashton

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Ketosis seldom develops, except in the presence of intercurrent infection or trauma, when temporary insuUn therapy may be required. The remainder of the spontaneous diabetics are ketosis- 44 Human atheroma prone (insulin dependent) and insulin therapy is essential for survival. The dose of insulin required daily to maintain freedom from ketosis varies considerably. A few patients are adequately controlled with 5-10 units daily, while others require 50-100 units. Occasionally, insuhn resistance is met with—this is usually defined as a requirement of above 200 units of insulin daily.

An estimate of ischaemic heart disease prevalence in healthy post-menopausal women was made by applying the same investigation to 257 healthy women, aged 45-59, from the Usts of Edinburgh general practitioners. D. was found. This compared with 1 case in 31 uni­ laterally ovariectomized women traced. This difference is statistically significant (P < 0-02). D. did not differ significantly from that in the unilaterally ovariecto­ mized women (3-5 per cent and 3-2 per cent respectively). Significantly elevated serum Hpids were found in the bilaterally ovariectomized women.

1965), Amer. J. publ. Hlth, 55, 416. Scherf, D . (1933), Wien. klin. Wschr. 46, 69. Sowton, G. E. (1962), Brit. med. J. 1, 84. Wahlberg, F . (1962), Acta med. Scand 2, 171. W o o d , P . (1957), Diseases of the Heart and Circulation, 2nd Edition, L o n d o n : Eyre & Spottiswoode. Chapter VII The Relation of Diabetes Mellitus to Insulin The observations of von Mering and Minkowski (1889) first suggested an endocrine basis for diabetes meUitus. They observed the diabetic syndrome in pancreatectomized dogs and showed that the islet ceUs and not the exocrine acini were essential for normal carbohydrate homeostasis.

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