By Jakob Ablinger, Johannes Blümlein (auth.), Carsten Schneider, Johannes Blümlein (eds.)
The booklet specializes in complicated desktop algebra equipment and detailed features that experience extraordinary purposes within the context of quantum box conception. It provides the cutting-edge and new tools for (infinite) a number of sums, a number of integrals, specifically Feynman integrals, distinction and differential equations within the structure of survey articles. The offered recommendations emerge from interdisciplinary fields: arithmetic, laptop technological know-how and theoretical physics; the articles are written through mathematicians and physicists with the target that either teams can study from the opposite box, together with most up-to-date advancements. along with that, the gathering of articles additionally serves as an updated instruction manual of obtainable algorithms/software which are favourite or can assist within the fields of arithmetic, physics or different sciences.
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