Comprehensive Biomarker Discovery and Validation for by Horvatovich, Peter; Bischoff, Rainer; Thurston, David E;

By Horvatovich, Peter; Bischoff, Rainer; Thurston, David E; Fox, David; Rotella, David

Content material: creation to biomarker discovery and validation; scientific context of proteomics biomarker discovery and validation, authority rules; Biomarker discovery: sufferer choice; Biomarker discovery: Experimental layout and biobanking; Biomarker discovery: physique fluids; Biomarker discovery: tissues; Biomarker discovery: mass spectrometry established profiling structures; Biomarker discovery: array established profiling structures; Biomarker discovery: facts preprocessing for LC-MS information; Biomarker discovery: facts preprocessing for Maldi imaging, and 2nd electrophoresis and protein arrays info; Biomarker discovery: statistical research and validation; Biomarker validation: biomarker validation tools; practical biomarker validation; medical program: case reviews scientific software: precis and destiny expertise improvement tendencies

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2011, 364(6), 514–23. 39.

A key limitation in this aspect is the lack of sufficient representative cellular and animal models that approximate the human disease and their pathophysiology. IV. Patient selection/stratification based on genetic variations for rational clinical trial designs. In recent years, substantial efforts have been made to carefully select patients that are likely to respond to a particular treatment regime. Cancer drug discovery and development is the prominent example of this paradigm shift. Modern molecular oncology seeks the discovery and development of drugs that specifically address the mechanism of the oncogenic transformation in particular cancer types so that the drugs are tailored towards them.

J. C. , Everolimus for advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, N. Engl. J. , 2011, 364(6), 514–23. 39.

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