By Friedrich Nietzsche
It is a significant paintings via the thinker Friedrich Nietzsche, whose writings were deeply influential on next generations of philosophers. it really is provided the following in a brand new translation through Judith Norman, with an creation through Rolf Peter Horstmann that locations the paintings in its historic and philosophical context.
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2 Everything is to be doubted. 6 On the prejudices ofphilosophers must still be attributed to instinctive activity, and this is even the case for philosophical thought. This issue needs re-examination in the same way that heredity and "innate characteristics" have been re-examined. Just as the act of birth makes no difference to the overall course of heredity, neither is "consciousness" opposed to instinct in any decisive sense - most of a philosopher's conscious thought is secretly directed and forced into determinate channels by the instincts.
Serves as a medical orderly in the Franco-Prussian war; contracts a serious illness and so serves only two months. " XXIX Chronology 1 872 1 873 1 874 1 876 1 878 1 879 1 880 1 88 1 1 882 1 883 1 884 1 885 1 886 Publishes his first book, The Birth of Tragedy; its dedicatory preface to Richard Wagner claims for art the role of "the highest task and truly metaphysical activity of this life"; devastating reviews follow. Publishes "David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer," the first of his Untimely Meditations; begins taking books on natural science out of the Basle library, whereas he had previously confined himselflargely to books on philological matters.
In the end, you know very well that it does not matter whether you, of all people, are proved right, and fur thermore, that no philosopher so far has ever been proved right. You also know that every little question-mark you put after your special slogans and favorite doctrines (and occasionally after yourselves) might contain more truth than all the solemn gestures and trump cards laid before accusers and courts of law! So step aside instead! Run away and hide! And be sure to have your masks and your finesse so people will mistake you for something else, or be a bit scared of you!